The Viking Bastard – Luxurious Bastard Beard Co.

The Viking Bastard

$19.50 USD
$10.50 USD

3 reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

Smells awesome and makes my beard feel great. Love all the products I've tried from luxurious bastard!!

Josh J
AWESOME Manly Sleeper Profile

Got the butter version after missing out from the original run. This stuff is POTENT. I highly reccomend it in a oil or butter form. This isn't your going out kinda scent, nothing casual, this is your night panther scent. It's a strong, spicy wood and tree resin scent that's just full of allure and power. I'm not kidding either, it's all tree sap and resin. The oud is definitely the main note, you'll smell it from top to bottom, but all the other notes blend and enhance it. From the top it's spicy and oud, almost "catty", then it becomes woody oud, and it ends almost ambery/powdery from the myrhh but the oud is still there. You wake up and you'll still get wiffs! I'm not at all over exaggerating, nor sponsored. Get this profile!


The balms from Lux are always great and enhance the scent of the oil. Any time you can get both I recommend it.
